Current Favorites - FEBRUARY 2020

So here’s the skinny. I will be sharing some of my favorite health and beauty items from the previous month because let’s be honest, you can’t have a “favorite” item in the current month when it’s still only the 1st week of that month and you haven’t put it to the test. Y’all agree? Great! Then let’s get started with FEBRUARY faves.

Also a quick shout out to Action Camera for letting me borrow some of their equipment to get the image below - equipment used: Promaster LED320SS+; Promaster Flash Bracket; the Sony a7rIII with the 24-70mm f/1.4 lens.

Image Courtesy of Blair Jay Photography

Image Courtesy of Blair Jay Photography

I’m going to start with the HEALTH items. This may include food stuff too, like bars or supplements that would benefit your wellbeing. There’s really only two health related favorites this month, so the first is the OLLY Undeniable Beauty Gummies. They’re super tasty (grapefruit flavor) and don’t even seem like a vitamin. Olly makes specific versions of their gummies – these ones are specialized for hair, skin, and nails. I’ve DEFINITELY seen a difference in how my skin has reacted to consuming these yummy gummies. I tend to have hormonal acne associated with “Aunt Rose” coming to town – girls, you know…and if you don’t….well then you’re lucky. Lol. These gummies have helped keep the acne down (it’s always going to pop up due to the hormones around that time of the month, but at least it’s way more minimal and manageable with these gummies) and allows my skin to glow. It’s also helped my nails out and made them really strong – my nails don’t chip or break as much if at all.

The second health related item are these natural caffeine tablets from The Vitamin Shoppe. Now, normally I wouldn’t promote anyone randomly taking caffeine pills like they’re candy drops; however, I AM WARNING YOU NOW - READ THE DOSAGE AND CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR FIRST if you’re unsure. These tablets are really effective because they provide enough caffeinated fueled energy for me to get through the day without buying Starbucks coffee everyday, which add up fast when you realize it’s $5.00 for an iced latte. EXPENSIVE!! This bottle of 100 tablets for 200mg of caffeine only cost $10.00, which when you compare it to how much each coffee costs, you’ve already paid for it 100 times over.

Now on to the fun stuff – BEAUTY items. These may include skincare, makeup, bath & body, etc.

First item on my favorites list is the acne controlling face wash from Bert’s Bees. I’ve been a longtime supporter of products that are more natural and also more Earth friendly (aka eco-friendly). I was already using their lip balm, which I absolutely was in love with because it didn’t have any ingredients that I couldn’t pronounce. Then I started looking more into some of their skincare products because some of the previous face washes I was using was really drying out my skin, plus most of the ingredients were man-made chemical stuff that you had to be a mad scientist to be able to say what they were – not good.

Next item on my favorites list is this moisturizer from Glow Recipe – the Watermelon Pink Juice Moisturizer. I LOVE this stuff. It’s light, not oily and provides just enough moisture for my skin during the day. Fair warning though – there’s a little bit of a tacky, sticky feel to it when you first put it on before it completely soaks in, so once you’ve rubbed it on your face then don’t touch again until it’s fully soaked in and dry. Other than that, you smell like a watermelon Jolly Rancher.

Image courtesy of Glow Recipe

Image courtesy of Glow Recipe

The next item that I’ve been using has literally been a skin lifesaver. This is the Hobé Naturals Vitamin E Oil. This oil has kept the fine lines and wrinkles at bay - literally overnight difference . You could almost say that this is a “Holy Grail” skincare item in my arsenal because this oil has done wonders for my skin.

Alright, we have come to the LAST item in my February favorites, and it is the Kat Von D mascara. I’ve used one other mascara from this makeup brand but when I ran out and had to make a trip to Sephora to get more, only this one was available. MAN OH MAN, this mascara puts length, volume, AND CURL to my uber short & straight lashes. I put two coats on, and it’s like I’m wearing falsies! This has been my go to mascara for events, date nights, etc. this last month, and I’m pretty darn happy to have accidentally discovered this product.

Image courtesy of Aimee Sy for Glamour Magazine

So if you’ve read all the way to the end here, THANK YOU for hangin’ in there with me and checking out my February favorites. I may not consistently do a monthly favorites, as I generally don’t change up the products I use that frequently, but I’m certainly going to do a favorites post when I have new products that I’ve tried out and want to share with all of you.

Until next time!


Staying Healthy & Productive While Social Distancing