Staying Healthy & Productive While Social Distancing

Although much of the country has recently started to re-open from the initial pandemic lockdown, we are still in the midst of an incredibly difficult time with this infectious disease that can’t seem to be controlled. With many people still staying home and the likelihood of schools physically re-opening going down the drain, life as we all know it has changed - and that’s super scary.

I know there’s no way to make things OK at the moment, but I want to try to ease a bit of the transition into this new kind of “lifestyle” by sharing with you some of the things that are helping me through this uncertain time of social distancing, which are also ideas for staying productive.

Image via PicJumbo - artist is Viktor Hanacek

Image via PicJumbo - artist is Viktor Hanacek

…… Tips, Tricks, and Other Ways to Stay Productive While Stuck at Home…..

1. Work Remotely: Guys (and girls), if your job allows you to work from home for a few days a week during this really unprecedented time, then DO IT! In this day and age, we have so much technological advancements at our fingertips that it’s nearly impossible not to work from home. My day job fortunately has allowed me to stay at home most of the week with only a couple days are needed physically being at the office; however, it still means that anything I need to be able to work from home must be scanned onto the company server in order for remote access - that’s the bummer part of it.

2. Create a Schedule: There is no bigger killer to productivity than interruptions. Make a schedule (if you have to work some) and send it to everyone you know, including family & friends so that they understand that you have things you need to get out of the way for the time frame you’re going to be “incommunicado” or whatever. It might seem trivial now, but just wait - one of your kids comes running in screaming their head off because their sibling won’t share a toy or something else, and yet you haven’t told your significant other that you had a very important business call that morning, which needed to pretty much be “perfect” so that call went bust.

3. Take an Online Class or Stream Fitness Sessions: Ever thought about taking up a new hobby, such as photography? Or wanted to get in shape but “never have time” to commit? Well, now’s your chance. Take a few basic online classes that can help you learn the basic facts about the hobby you’re interested in or stream some exercise sessions from local fitness studios. Hey…you’re stuck at home and restless - might as well get some exercise in to tire yourself out so you can get a good night’s sleep.

4. Read a Good Book: Okay, I know this may sound like the most obvious way to pass some of the time at home but think about it, what things are our faces stuck in front of about 90% of the time? That’s right, a computer screen, an ipad, or our phones!! When was the last time you actually READ (audiobooks don’t count) a physical, papered book? Get your face away from the digital screens every once in a while and find a book you enjoy. I’m definitely a Potterhead (yes, Harry Potter - I totally wholeheartedly admit it), and I could read those books over and over again because I LOVE them.

Image via Pinterest

Image via Pinterest

5. Self Care & Exercise: Being stuck at home is not always fun, and let’s face it - we’re going to get stir crazy (if we aren’t already). It can get pretty stressful at times being around family 24/7 with no end in sight. But just like I mentioned in #3 above, the part about streaming fitness classes, this one is pretty important, especially for you parents out there. You have to remember to take care of yourself. Sounds a bit selfish, I know, but if you’re not taking care of your own body and mind but helping to battle everybody else’s issues, you’re not going to last very long and the last thing you want is to get sick. Remember to take the time to give yourself some much needed R&R, as well as exercise along with all that good stuff because no one else can keep you from getting sick - except yourself. Only you can prevent yourself from letting that happening.

6. Get Outside - Fresh Air & Sunshine: Without getting too close to other people during this crazy time and maintaining a good distance, everyone should try to get outside and enjoy the nice air. For those of you that live here in Cali, we are the lucky ones because we live in one of the sunniest states in the country. Not only is the fresh air good for you, but the SUNSHINE helps you to produce vitamin D, which can help the lungs ward off infections - not to mention it brings things into perspective (like what really matters more). The flora and fauna don’t care about coronavirus, so really it’s a matter of psychological cleansing for us humans.

7. Facetime with Friends & Family: Right now, we’re supposed to keep our distance from one another, but it shouldn’t mean that we cut all communications with our loved ones in other cities, states, or even countries. We are in the golden age of technology where communication with other people is at an all-time high. Use the Facetime feature on your iPhones or whatever the Android equivalent is to stay in touch with the ones you love and hold dear.

I hope everyone uses this time to reconnect with the people that matter most to them, either by phone or video calls. I also hope that this short list of ideas help you through your days over the next few weeks to make “social distancing” a little bit more bearable. Lastly, below are a few more links for other resources and ideas for helping to make the days not seem so long and boring.

Until next time.

XOXO-Blair SM.jpg

…Other Resources…

Bohemian Mama: How to Stay Serene While Social Distancing


Current Favorites - FEBRUARY 2020